Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Spongebob and The Squidward

Hey people! This post is about what me and my buddies do all day at school.......................................JERK,REJECT,SPONGEBOB, and THE SQUIDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the spongebob and the squidward are the same but only different ways but with the spongebob it goes in back and squidward it goes in front! the jerk and reject is AWESOME!!!!! ITS LIKE THE HIPPEST DANCE EVER! LOL and well its so fun to do and iyana talk to me cuz i know your online!


  1. :-O go on to club penguin!!! then we can talk more clearer!

  2. im comin on right now wait a sec

  3. go see a pic of makayla at my page! she's so cute

  4. no my computer froze on clubpenguin and it wont let me back on : (

  5. right now im pimping my cooking blog really quick

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sara! Judy has invited you to her slumber party!!! It's today at 4:30 till tommorow.
    If you need to call her, her number is, 373-9103. Her address is 363 Morning Glory, near the trailor park. Hope you can come!! :-D
